Genre: Fiction


Emily’s age 4 years 10 months Miki is a baby meerkat who lives with his Mama in a zoo. He’s happy at home with Mama and the kind keeper who cares for them, but...

Kitten and the Night Watchman

Emilys Age 4 Years 10 Months A heart warming story about a scared little kitten and a lovely night watchman that finds him and starts to look after him taking him home to see...

A Cuddle for Little Duck

Emily’s age 4 years 10 months This is a cute little story about a fluffy duck and a day of adventure it is a short very simple book to read Emily liked the book...

Aliens Love Panta Claus

Emily’s age 4 Years 9 months Oh No! Santa’s sleigh has broken down and the underpants stealing aliens are going to help instead of stealing underpants cause they love santa. A great slapstick comedy...

Aliens Love Dinopants

Emily’s age 4 Years 9 Months A fun slapstick style kids comedy featuring Aliens and Dinosaurs. The alien’s discover a family of dinosaurs thought to be extinct. How can you miss This has aliens,...

Two Little Aliens

Emily’s age 4 years 8 months Two little aliens visit earth but they are not sure how things work. What do you do with a see saw? What do you do with ice cream?...

Pete the Cat: Go, Pete, Go!

Emily’s age 4 years 8 months A retelling of the classic tortoise and the hare with Pete the cat playing the part of the tortoise. Emily loves the Pete the cat books she enjoys...

Aliens Love Underpants!

Emily’s age 4 years 8 months. A fun slapstick comedy book about aliens and their love of underpants. This is a great very funny book that Emily loves it’s a short quick read that...


Pete the Cat Saves Christmas

Emily’s age 4 years 8 months Oh no Santa Claus is unwell who is going to save Christmas. Up steps Pete the cat to take the reigns and save the day This was a...

Pete the Cat and the Tip-Top Tree House

Emily age 4 years 8 months Pete the cat builds an awesome treehouse to hang out with his mates Emily loves everything cat so Pete the cat appeals to Emily she is always enthralled...