Magic Hat 15th Anniversary Edition

Magic Hat 15th Anniversary Edition

Emily’s age 4 Years 6 Months

The magic hat flies around and lands on heads when it does people transform into all sorts of different creatures.

This book was great it creates a little bit of suspense with what people are going to turn into when i turned the page Emily was excited when she was able to announce the animal that the magic hat transformed into. Very easy fun read that Emily thoroughly enjoyed.

Very quick easy read that is colourful and grabs attention quickly.

Magic Hat 15th Anniversary Edition
Published: 2017-01-11
Oh, the magic hat, the magic hat! It moved like this and it moved like that! Where will it land next? One day from out of the blue a Magic Hat comes to town. Each time it lands on someone the hat transforms the person into an animal. But we don't know what type of animal it will be until we turn the page. Then all of sudden a wizard appears and turns everyone back…